The thrill of easing into early retirement has gone now. Think it was essential to be a sloth for a while, to just drift like flotsam. Have reading binges, and fritter my days away. But in doing too much of that I was becoming aimless - and - a stranger to myself. Last night, I met up with friends at the Red Lion pub. We talked about how teaching melds with our identity perceptions. Saying goodbye to a professional life never felt like a loss. I see now, that it can be. That void has to be filled with something more purposeful. We're on the threshold of carving new pathways for ourselves.
The winter months are confining. The daylight hours pass swiftly; the dark evenings are long shadows. Winter has never been my best season. Even so, I shouldn't spurn this natural cycle. Hidden in the settled loam, are the roots of life. It's heartening to see fresh shoots popping up here and there in the garden. A garden that otherwise, has a forlorn stillness. The birds are busy surviving. They have few songs to sing, not until spring is awake for their tunes. The old walnut tree is spindly, looking quite fragile. That tree fools me every year. It has a sudden surge, which turns it into a dancing green giant.
1 comment:
Hi there Sarah
I owe you an apology for not replying to your last 2 (3) messages. The truth is that I am such a dill with technology that I lost them and it was only yesterday, when my son was, in desperation, giving me an advanced tutorial on managing my blogs, that I found a little nest of unopened comments .
Thank you for ordering my books - I hope they have arrived in good order, and, even more, that you have enjoyed reading them.
Your post about the spring and the robin is delightful. Here in Exmouth, beside the sea, the sun has made it go all blue and lovely and even a slicing north wind some days doesn't deter me from going out and sitting on the promenade staring into space.
You will see from my main blog (If we are still on speaking (reading) terms by now that I am trying to get my latest publication ready for the printers which always causes traumas. Also next week I am going to the the London Book Fair to try to do business with the BIG PEOPLE.
Thank you for your tip about the lovewriting site - I will follow it up after I sign off from this.
Happy writing -
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